Jumbo Rewards its Heroes for Q1 2020
We are proud to announce that sixteen of our dedicated employees have been recognized as ‘Jumbo Heroes’ for Q1 2020. The winners have demonstrated exceptional commitment to their duties during breakdown of COVID-19 pandemic and have been recognized for their exceptional performance.
Shishir Jha, CHRO Jumbo Group, said: “Today, we are recognizing some of those whose actions & behavior made them stand out, and who have stepped up to do their duties despite the risks posed by the pandemic.”
“We would like to take this opportunity not only to commend the Heroes but thank each one of our employees for stepping up in these troubling times. It is their courage, efforts and determination that ensure that we continue to be on top of our game and achieve our goals throughout the New Normal,” he added
At Jumbo, we believe that dedicated employees inspire others to do their best. With this in mind, we will be honouring selected Jumbo Heroes every quarter.